How to get to Lago Agrio from Cuenca?
Lago Agrio is an Ecuadorian subnational territorial entity, in the Province of Sucumbíos. Its cantonal capital is the city of Nueva Loja, a place where a large part of its total population is grouped. It has a humid tropical climate, with temperatures between 37 and 39 degrees Celsius, with the highest rainfall in the summer. This climate allows the equatorial jungle vegetation characteristic of the Amazon.
To get to this place, you can do it in two ways, either by private car or by interprovincial buses that have this city as their destination.
By car
If you have a car, you must take the E35 or also known as Panamericana or Troncal de la Sierra, this road to the city of Riobamba, then take the E20 highway which is the final destination in the city of Lago Agrio. Throughout the trip you will pass through Azogues - Cañar - Alausí - Riobamba - Baños - Puyo - Tena - El Coca and finally you will arrive at Lago Agrio.
The journey by car can last between 14 hours and 15 minutes to 15 hours, the time will depend on traffic flow and road conditions.
Remember to respect the speed limits to avoid fines and traffic violations.
Interprovincial bus
There are interprovincial bus companies that have Lago Agrio as their final destination, in the same way, there are others that go to cities located in the Amazon region and you can make stops at each terminal that arrives.
Interprovincial transportation to Lago Agrio is located at the Cuenca Land Terminal located between Gil Ramírez and España avenues, between Chapetones and Del Chorro streets to the northeast of the city of Cuenca. Another place to take transportation is the Feria Libre terminal in the Arenal sector, also named “Mercado El Arenal”. In general, the cooperatives make a stop along the way to carry passengers.
To travel on interprovincial buses, it is advisable to follow the following points:
- Take care of the furniture, do not throw waste or paper on the bus.
- Do not recline the seat without first asking the person traveling behind you.
- It is not recommended to smoke or consume alcoholic beverages during your journey.
- It is advisable to place your luggage in the bus holds and only carry the necessary papers and money that is required.
- Do not take unnecessary things that will bother you at the time of the trip.
The cooperatives that offer the frequency Cuenca – Lago Agrio are the following:
• International Store
• Transport Bathrooms
Prices range from $17 to $35; this depends on which bus cooperative you take.
To check the departure times, you can search their website, consult through social networks, call the contact, or consult directly at the box office.
Remember when traveling to be aware of your belongings and, finally, enjoy your destination in Lago Agrio!
To get to Lago Agrio from Cuenca you can go by car or by interprovincial buses, the buses can be taken at the Terminales Terrestre de Cuenca or another terminal: the Free Fair in the Arenal sector, the travel time varies between 2:00 p.m. and 3:30 p.m.
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